Degrees Vs. Radians

Consider two arcs:

Arc A spans 1 radian.

Arc B spans 1 degree.

Which arc is bigger?

Initialize the variable

What is wrong with this code? 

let circleLocation;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
  circleLocation = circleLocation +1

It produces this error:

p5.js says: [sketch.js, line 9] circle() was expecting Number for the first parameter, received an empty variable instead. If not intentional, this is often a problem with scope.

Using an image

What has to be done before you can use an image in your p5.js sketch?

What is the color?

In the following code,  what color would the rectangle be?

let c = color(12, 234, 0);
rect(30, 20, 55, 55);