NX Drafting Symbol Control Characters

It is often convenient to use control characters to create drafting symbols in NX. Another option is to use ASCII codes, for example, alt + 0176 for the degree ° symbol.


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Drafting and Dimensioning Symbols

Standard ANSI symbols for form and positional tolerance, material condition, etc. may be obtained by using one of the special control characters or numbers.

Put characters inside <> brackets.

Control CharacterSymbol
MMaximum material condition
SRegardless of feature size
PProjected tolerance zone
ODiameter (where O is a capital letter).
&5Profile of Line
&6Profile of Surface
&10True position
&13Circular runout
&15Total runout
(A left parenthesis 2 times the current character size. For reference dimensions, etc.
)A right parenthesis 2 times the current character size. For reference dimensions, etc.
+A perpendicular divider with the size the same as the frame size of the form and positional tolerance symbol.
<#aN>Quantity (where N is a number)
<#e>Conical taper
<O>Diameter (where O is a capital letter)
S<O>Spherical diameter (where O is a capital letter)