E-Day – CNC Challenges

If you are not sure what CNC is, take a few minutes to see some of the cool CNC machines on YouTube.

There are two options for the E-Day CNC Challenge, Manual and Programming. Choose the one you think is best suited to your team. The Manual Option requires no preparation.

CNC Maze Challenge – Manual Option

Student groups participating in this challenge will use the control panel of the CNC machine to simulate machining operations on a 3-Axis mill. The only preparation necessary is to review 3D coordinate space (X, Y, and Z).

CNC Maze Challenge – Programming Option

Be sure to READ & FOLLOW the details below. We don’t want to crash a machine.

You will choose a maze from the maze collection (see below).  Your task will be to write a program that will drive a sharpie marker through the maze using G01 commands.

  • You will determine where the X,Y origin is on your maze. Z will be zero at the level of the paper.
    • Clearly mark on your maze where the origin is located.
      • This will be necessary when you set up the CNC machine
  • The units are inches.
  • Drawing height is Z0.0
  • Jumping height is Z0.5
  • Ramping is prohibited.
  • Absolute coordinates only (don’t worry if you don’t know what this is).
  • Your file must be an ASCII text (*.txt) file. Bring it on a USB drive.
  • Use the header file located at the bottom of this page. Read the note.
  • Add G1 moves only.
    • To get the pen to move to a point, enter your code like this:
    • G1 X1.0 Y1.0 Z1.0 F24.0
      • You must use a decimal point, even for whole numbers
      • The F24.0 only needs to be in the first G1 move
  • Use notepad or notepad++ to make an ASCII text file. Do NOT use MS Word or any other program.
  • NOTE:  You can get a good idea if your program will run properly by going to  https://ncviewer.com/
    • Click “New File”  (plus symbol) and paste in your code.
    • Click “Plot” to see the path.
    • BE ADVISED this viewer is much more forgiving than the controller.

Print out the maze you are going to use, then decide where the origin will be (it is already defined as G59 in your program header).  Measure the maze to get your coordinates.  Bring the printed maze to lab.  You may use only absolute coordinates.

Click on the header file link below to open it in your browser.
COPY and PASTE into Notepad or Notepad++
DO NOT download the file and edit it.
Your code will NOT run if you download it and edit it.