NX swept features are created by sliding a profile (constant or changing) along some kind of guide or vector.
NX Section Surface

Section surface fits a conic section (constant or changing) to a guide or series of guides. A spine is sometimes required to orient the direction of the sweep. Section-SurfaceDownload PRT (NX 2206)
NX Swept

The swept command is similar to Sweep Along Guide but with added functionality. Swept allows a wide variety of section options, guide options, and settings. In the example file shown here, the section is modified with a scaling method to control the start and end cross-sectional area separately. SweptDownload PRT (NX 2206)
NX Sweep Along Guide

Sweep along guide is a simple way to create a swept feature. It can sweep a curve, an edge, or a chain of curves or edges for the section. Sweep-Along-GuideDownload PRT (NX 2206)
NX Section Surface
Section surface fits a conic section (constant or changing) to a guide or series of guides. A spine...
NX Swept
The swept command is similar to Sweep Along Guide but with added functionality. Swept allows a wide...
NX Swept - Angular Law Orientation
The Swept command can accommodate a twisting action defined by a law curve. The height of the curve...
NX Sweep Along Guide
Sweep along guide is a simple way to create a swept feature. It can sweep a curve, an edge, or a chain...